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Today is Stephen Smale's Birthday!

Happy Birthday

Born:  July 15, 1930
in Flint, Michigan
Smale has had a long and distinguished career as a mathematician.  He won the Fields Medal in 1966.

His proof in the early 1960s of the Poincaré Conjecture for dimensions bigger or equal to 5 is one of the great mathematical achievements of the 20th century." 
Wolf Prize Press Release, 2007

"... four decades of pioneering work on basic research questions which have led to major advances in pure and applied mathematics."
National Medal of Science, 1996

... for his contributions to various aspects of differential topology." 
Veblen Prize, AMS, 1966

The NCB thanks Lenore Blum for her photograph of Smale taken at the City University of Hong Kong for the cover of the Mathematical Intelligencer, Spring, 1998.  The cover story featured Smale's list of the "Problems for the Next Century" inspired in part by Hilbert's list of 1900.
Steve Batterson,  Stephen Smale: The Mathematician Who Broke the Dimension Barrier, AMS, 2000.