Find the area of the loop bounded
by the
Folium of Descartes:
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"Cogito ergo sum"
( I think, therefore I am.)
The Folium of Descartes
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Area of the Loop
Many famous curves have names
from nature.
"Folium" means leaf. "Cissoid" means ivy shaped. "Conchoid"
implies the shape of a sea shell. "Petal" and "Rose" are more
in English.
This section . . . .

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this line.
The slant asymptote is at
= -

A Brief Listing of
references that should
be in most university libraries.
Bell, E. T., Men of
Mathematics, Chapter
3 in various editions and publishers. Bell's essay entitled Descartes:
Gentleman, Soldier, and Mathematician is a wonderfully written
of a "particularly full and interesting life." |
Yates, R.
C., Curves and
their Properties, NCTM, 1952, pp. 98 - 99. Also in A
on Curves and their Properties, various publishers including the