Mathematical Tourist Index
         Our Mathematical Heritage

A Leonardo da Pisa Collection

  Fibonacci's Italy
  Button The Piazza del Duomo in Pisa, Italy is one of the most visited tourist sites in the world.  Millions flock here annually to see the famous campanile, the LeaningTower, where Galileo experimented to disprove Aristotle's dictum that the rate of a falling body toward the Earth's surface is proportional to its body weight.

Button  In addition to experimenting with falling bodies, Galileo is reputed to have deduced the law of the pendulum from watching the oscillations of the great chandelier opposite the altar in the Duomo.  A few meticulous historians dispute this saying the the lamp was not installed until 1587 and the observation of isochronism is supposed to have happened in 1583.  Still visitors will enjoy seeing the chandelier as well as the Leaning Tower.

  Button  Another pleasure awaits mathematicians.  By tradition, there are three buildings in a cathedral complex - a large cathedral, a bell tower  and a baptistery.   The Piazza in Pisa has a fourth structure, a restored building honoring outstanding citizens of the area.  In this open compound, the Camposanto Monumentale, is found the statue of Leonardo da Pisa, better know today as "Fibonacci" of the celebrated Fibonacci sequence  1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . . . . His statue is seen on the right.

  Button The University area lies just south of the Duomo.  Tour books write that much of the exterior has remained unchanged since the time of Galileo 400 years earlier.  But Fibonacci's life in the city is twice as long ago.  Students still eat their lunch on the grass in the Piazza when there are not too many tourists and souvenir stands.  One would like to think that they join us in remembering two natives of Pisa who made lasting and significant contributions to civilization.

  A View of the Piazza
    The Camposanto Monumentale housing
         the Fibonacci statue as seen on the left.
  A View of the Fibonacci Pedestal
    His dates of birth and death can only be estimated.

  Other Views
   The Statue
   The Camposanto Monumentale
   The Chandelier in the interior of the Duomo
         seen here just to the left of the stained glass Madonna.

Other Snapshots from Tuscany
  His Last Home and Sarcophagus

 . . .birthdayindex/feb/feb15galileo/feb15galileo.htm

From Italy


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Fibonacci stamp 1
Leonardo of Pisa
(c. 1175 - 1250)

Fibonacci stamp
a.k.a. Fibonacci

Galileo stamp
Galileo Galilei

Aristotle stamp
(384-322 B.C.)

Also from the neighboring area is
another genius, Leonardo da Vinci
seen here in a reproduction of his

Leonardo da Vinci