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The Mathematical Bridge
Queens' College, Cambridge
One of the many legends
surrounding this bridge is that it was constructed without nails or
Click on images in this
column for other views and information.
monument to Newton
in the foyer of
the Chapel,
Trinity College,
The names in the
background are
those of Trinity
students who died
in WW II.
Nearby is the
statue of Newton's teacher, Isaac Barrow, the first Lucasian Professor
of Mathematics.
The current
occupant is Stephen Hawking.
Tell us where there is a street sign, monument, building,
room in a building, dedicated to a mathematician.
Bowditch? Wiener?
will add your contribution and name to this collection.
The Fields Medal and Nobel Prize
1936 L V Ahlfors
1936 J Douglas
1950 L Schwartz
1950 A Selberg
1954 K Kodaira
1954 J-P Serre
1958 K F Roth
1958 R Thom
1962 L V Hörmander
1962 J W Milnor
1966 M F Atiyah
1966 P J Cohen
1966 A Grothendieck
1966 S Smale
1970 A Baker
1970 H Hironaka
1970 S P Novikov
1970 J G Thompson
1974 E Bombieri
1974 D B Mumford
1978 P R Deligne
1978 C L Fefferman
1978 G A Margulis
1978 D G Quillen
1982 A Connes
1982 W P Thurston
1982 S-T Yau
1986 S Donaldson
1986 G Faltings
1986 M Freedman
1990 V Drinfeld
1990 V Jones
1990 S Mori
1990 E Witten
1994 P-L Lions
1994 J-C Yoccoz
1994 J Bourgain
1994 E Zelmanov
1998 R Borcherds
1998 T Gowers
1998 Maxim Kontsevich
1998 C McMullen
2002 L Lafforgue
2002 V Voevodsky
Andrei Okounkov
2006 Terence Tao
2006 Wendelin Wernre
2006 (Grigory Perelman)
2010 Elon Lindenstrauss
2010 Ngô Bào Châu
2010 Stanislav Smirnov
2010 Cédric Villani
For more information on
the Medal and recent winners:
The 2002 Fields Medals
were presented in Beijing by the President of China and the President
of the ICM2002. The memorable ceremony was attended by 4,500
people. Everyone was transported
from the Convention Center to the Peoples' Hall in Tien An Men Square
for a banquet. All traffic was halted for the long caravan of
buses. This convention of mathematicians felt deeply honored by
the citizens of Beijing.
The 2014 Fields Medals
were presented at the opening ceremony of the ICM in Seoul,
Korea. Four mathematicians were honored including the first woman.
Artur Avila
Manjul Bhargava
Martin Hairer
Maryam Mirzakhani

The 2015 Abel
Prize joins two of the giants of mathematics,
Nash and Louis
The 2018 Fields Medals were announced by the International Mathematical Union.
Four mathematicians were honored.
Caucher Birkar
Alessio Figalli
Peter Scholze
Akshay Venkatesh
No one knows for sure why there is no
Nobel Prize in mathematics. There are several hypotheses that
broach on becoming legends.
However, we are very proud that John Nash
received this recognition in Economics in 1994.
The criteria for selection to be listed
in the National Curve Bank are simple. The mathematician must
have a monument, street, or building named for him or her. Thus,
the person must have recognition beyond the circle of our professional
community. We could easily list Fields Medal winners, Nobel
laureates whose work is primarily mathematical, and members of
national societies. We could include a list of mathematicians on
stamps. Many deserve recognition. Please click on the
buttons above this paragraph for a sample of all of the suggestions.
However, mathematics extends over 2,500
years of written history. To list only honorees since the
invention of printing, or the establishment of national societies, is
narrow in definition, but enormous in terms of execution. In
keeping with our mission statement, we have decided to select only
mathematicians who have been sufficiently prominent to be honored by
their communities.
We invite all readers of this message to
send us photographs of streets, buildings, or monuments that honor
mathematicians. We hope to build an international collection for
all to appreciate.
Click on the
map icon and enlarge your screen to view a map of outstanding
There are wonderful stamps honoring mathematicians
issued by many countries. Unfortunately, it would appear that the U.S.
has never honored a mathematician. However, in 2001
the U.S. honored Enrico Fermi.
Earlier physicists have been honored.
Please see
for a sample collection.