Gauss on a German mark note.
The probability curve
is on the left.

Galileo on Italian lira.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa 
is on the right. 

Euler on a Swiss franc note.
Euler was fascinated 
by the cycloid.

Shirley Gray
California State University
Los Angeles, CA
Russ  Abbott
Computer Science
California State University
Los Angeles, CA
Sam Landsberger
Engineering and Kinesiology
California State University
Los Angeles, CA

Mary Kay Abbey
Montgomergy College
Bill Austin
University of Tennessee, Martin
Janet Beery
University of Redlands
Chris Caldwell
University of Tennessee, Martin
Dana Clahane
Fullerton College
Phillip Johnson
Appalachian State University

Steve Kennedy
Carleton College
Mitsuo Kobayashi
California State University, Pomona
Stacy Langton
University of San Diego
David A. Smith
Duke University
Bob Stein
California State University
San Bernardino

David Strong
Louis A. Talman
Metropolitan State University
of Denver

Jim Tattersall
Providence College
Agnes Tuska
California State University Fresno
Sarah Simpson 
Austin Community College
James P. Henderson
Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs
University of Wisconsin System
Michael J. S. Smith
Silicon Valley Architect

This site is established for dissemination of ideas among Members of the National Advisory Board of the National Curve Bank. 
[Site established July 4, 2001.]

Sir Isaac Newton on a one pound British sterling bank note.  Students of mathematics and astronomy will observe the Sun is placed at the center of an ellipse, not slightly off center.