"There is some interesting
math associated with calculation of the orbit trap, which requires the
shortest distance between the iterated Mandelbrot point and the orbit
trap. The brute force method is to do two 'for' loops to cover each of
the iterated points on the plane and determine the shortest distance to
the trap. Based on something I developed for the fractal tiling I've
done, I was able to accomplish this 'all-at-once' (no for loops;
vectorized code) using some fancy matrix work based on the Kronecker
tensor product, cleverly rewritten to be a Kronecker sum. The problem
with the method is that these matrices can be huge and one must resort
to the for loops, as I did for the fractal spiral orbit trap."
The animation below shows .......................................
CYE: Save this
space but what to you suggest I write here?????????