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Deposit #102
Andrew Simoson
King College, Tennessee
Gary Brookfield

Family of Pursuit Curves
"The Man in the Moone or A
Discourse on a Voyage Thither"
Francis Godwin - 1638

Speed < Moon's Speed

Speed = Moon's Speed

is a "Pursuit Curve?"
One particle travels along a specified
curve, while a second pursues it, with a motion always directed toward
the first. The velocities of the two particles are always in the
same ratio.
two beads move with related
velocities. When the ratio k of the two velocities
is greater than one ( k > 1 ), the pursuer travels
faster than the pursued. The question then becomes, "At
what point do the two meet?"
What is the
"capture" point?
Speed slightly greater than Moon's Speed leads to capture. . .

And an
even faster capture


The First
Story in English Literature of Space Travel
Over 300 years before
Armstrong stepped on the moon, a bishop of the Anglican church wrote
the first English language science fiction tale of the voyage.
The story involved a flight to the moon by an astronaut named Domingo
Gonsales, the "speedy messenger," in
a space "Engine" powered by
"wild swan" having "one foote with Clawes, talons and pounces, like an
eagle", and the other being "on the whole like a swan or water
fowle." He affectionally named his fictional birds "Gansas"
with "gansa" being the German name for "goose." His Gansas
migrated in much the same pattern as geese.
"Not many hours after the departure . . ., my Gansas began to bestir
themselves, still directing their course toward the globe or body of
the Mooon, and they made their way with that incredible swiftness, as I
think they gained not so little as fifty Leagues in every hour.
In The Man in the Moone
Godwin clearly foreshadows the great scientific discoveries of the 17th
century, including the rotation of the earth in its orbit about the sun
and the law of gravity.
"Whereby it
appeareth, not only that my Gansa's took none other way than directly
toward the Moon, but also,
that when we rested (as at first we did for many hours), either we were
insensibly carried, (for I perceived no such motion) round about the
Globe of the Earth, or else that (according to the late opinion of
Copernicus,) the Earth is carried about, and turneth round perpetually,
from West to East. . . ."
(On looking back toward Earth)
". . .the
farther we went, the less of the globe of the Earth appeared to us,
whereas, . . . the Moon showed herself
more and more monstrously huge. . . .On the Moon we
discerned certain spots or clouds, as it were, so did I then in the
earth. But where as the form of those spots in the Moon continue
constantly one and the same, these (spots) little & little
did change every hour. The reason thereof I conceive to be
this. That
whereas the Earth, according to her natural motion, ( for that such a
motion he hath, I am now constrained to join in the opinion with
Copernicus), turneth round upon her own axis every 24 hours from the
West to the East. . . ." |
The Earth was . . . "no
other than
a huge Mathematical Globe, leisurely turned before me, wherein
successively, all the countries of our earthly world within the compass
of 24 hours. Philosophers and Mathematicians, I . . . now
confess the wilfulness of their own blindness. They have made the
world believe hitherto, that the Earth hath no motion."sage in this volent flight, I
perceived that we began
to approach near unto another Earth, if I amy so call it, being the
globe or very bopais
volent flight, I perceived that we began
to approach near unto another Earth, if I amy so call it, being the
globe or very body of that star we call the Moon."
Godwin's mathematics
included having the birds fly at
a constant rate on a nonlinear outward trajectory of more than 11 days.
The return to Earth
took 8 days but followed a straight
line. Modern
history of mathematics
students will marvel at the accuracy of Godwin's speculative knowledge
of science in 1638. His story published after
Columbus and Kepler, but before much of Galileo's publicity, includes
specific references to Copernicus and no mention of Newton who was yet
unborn. Godwin wrote he lived in the "Age of Discovery."
The landing . .

"After eleven days passage in this
violent flight, I perveived that we began to approach near unto another
Earth, if I may so call it, being the Globe or very body of that star
which we call the Moon. I perceived also that it was covered for
the most
part with a huge mighty sea . . . ."
"The first difference that I found between it and our earth, was, that
it showed itself in its natural colors. Ever after I was free
from the attraction of the Earth, whereas with us, a thing removed from
our eye but a league or two, begins to put on that lurid and deadly
color of blue."
"How often did I wish myself . .
.that freely I might fill the world with the fame of my glory and

Francis Godwin (1562-1633)
Bishop of Llandaff and Hereford
Simoson of King College in Tennesse recognized this story
provided a great opportunity to introduce pursuit curves and MATHEMATICA® animations to entice modern students
to think about space travel. In other passages Godwin's
mathematics included having the geese fly at
a constant rate on an outward trajectory that was not linear and lasted
12 days.
Reference Points for an Historic Overview
45 BC
The paradox of
Achilles' pursuit of a tortoise.
174 AD
The True History
A comic satire on travel to the moon by sailing on a waterspout.
The Divine Comedy
Beatrice and Dante fall upwards from a
mountaintop on Earth to tour the solar system.
da Vinci
De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
The Dream or Somnium
Calculated a
ball would fall from the moon to the Earth in3 hours, 22 minutes, and 4
seconds. |
Bishop and Historian
The Man
in the Moone.
Published posthumously by a
friend. The first story of space travel in English
literature. By 1768 at least 25 editions are know to have
existed in a wide variety of languages.
de Bergerac
Voyage to the Moon
Figure de la terre déterminée
1943 |
de Saint-Exupéry
The Little Prince
20, 1969
"One small
step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
While still a student in 1593
Kepler wrote a series of speculations on the geography of the
moon. Later in 1610, Galileo sent him an early copy of The Starry
Kepler replied, ". . . for those who will come shortly to attempt this
journey (to the moon), let us establish the astronomy; Galileo,
you of Jupiter, I of the moon."
The opportunities for
animation of pursuit curves are enormous. The NCB invites faculty
and students to try their hand at some of these problems as class
projects. Then hopefully you will add a "choice" effort to our
NCB MATH Archive collection as a sampler of a fun activity from your