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Deposit # 139
Dr. Cye Waldman

Deconstructed and Triangle Substitution . . . .
A Family of Tilings

here to see a full "pdf" file with Matlab code for Voderberg and
Triangle Substitution Tilings.
We apply the
equations for a generalized Voderberg tile that is parameterized in
terms of a single angle; all segment lengths and internal angles
can be expressed in terms of it. We then demonstrate how to turn
those lengths and angles into a tile in the complex plane.
Finally, we apply a method of triangle substitution to create original
radial and spiral tilings. For more information be sure to read
the attached "pdf" file.
Dr. Cye Waldman
Copyright Notice: This
animation and all images within are under copyright by Cye Waldman and
may not be copied, electronically or otherwise, without his espress
Cye Waldman