TheThe NCB thanks members of our National Advisory Board for annually selecting the best deposit of the previous year.

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      Deposit #150

The National Curve Bank honors

David Hirsch

<> "Two Cones with a Twist".


Created in SolidWorks, saved as AVI and then transformed to GIF

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Deposit #147
"The Method of Archimedes"

The National Curve Bank honors

Cye Waldman, Gustavo Gordillo and Daniel Ye Ding

<> Propositions 13 and 14 of Archimedes

MATLAB and MATHEMATICA with 3-D Printer Models

Moreover, we found the Golden Ratio!


See  Notices,
October, 2016                 

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Deposit #138
"The Tautochrone Animation Code"

The National Curve Bank honors

Gustavo Gordillo

<> Tautochrone in MATHEMATICA and its Wonderful Connection to American Literature.


Huygens, Newton, Jean Bernoulli, Euler, Lagrange and Herman Melville, among others, have all been captivated by the special properties of the tautochrone.

"It was in the left hand try-pot of the Pequod, with the soapstone diligently circling round me, that I was first indirectly struck by the remarkable fact that in geometry all bodies gliding along the cycloid, my soapstone for example, will descend from any point in precisely the same time."
from  Moby Dick,  1851                     

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Deposit #127
"The Fibonacci and Mondrian Spirals"

The National Curve Bank honors

Dr. Cye Waldman

<> Spirals in Matlab: The Golden Ratio with Mondrian Shading.


Waldman finds calculations with spirals to be amusing "because an approximation should be easier than that which is being approximated."

Renie Award
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Deposit #113
Fractal Animation

The National Curve Bank honors

Chaya Morasha Gilbert-McNabb

<>  Julia Sets in MATHEMATICA®.


Among the new notation introduced in Harriot's algebra book Artis Analyticae Praxis published by his friends.

Renie Award
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Deposit #111

Wooden Models of the Conic Sections

The National Curve Bank honors

Francisco Treceño of Valladolid, Spain

Treceño is a master wood lathe craftsman. 

Following a National Curve Bank tradition of supporting craftsmen producing models of mathematically related forms, we are honoring Treceño for his video demonstrating the union of wooden conic sections.

Renie Award
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Deposit #103

The Cannonball Curves of Thomas Harriot

The National Curve Bank honors

Dr. Janet Beery, University of Redlands
Dr. Louis Talman of
Metropolitan State College, Denver

Harriot investigated projectile motion in the 1600s. 


Among the new notation introduced in Harriot's algebra book Artis Analyticae Praxis published by his friends in 1631, ten years after his death, were the symbols for less than and greater than, < and >, that we use today.

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Deposit #98
<>Quasi-Spherical Orbits and Surfaces

The National Curve Bank honors
the historic animations

created by

Robert G. Chester,
Intellectual Properties Associates
Tumwater. WA .

Leibniz collaborated with Bernoulli to publish
a wonderful illustration of a quasi-spherical

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Deposit #84

The Catenary or "Chain" Curve

The National Curve Bank honors the catenary
created by Dr. Gary Brookfield of
California State University, Los Angeles.

"All five of the finalists this year deserve to be winners. The hinged dissections (#89) and the circle (#85) are nice; and the catenary is a classic curve if there ever were one."

A member of the National Advisory Board of the NCB.

From Schooten's Latin edition of Descartes.

Be sure to note Descartes' axes were not always perpendicular.

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Deposit #81

How to Visualize a Contour Map

The National Curve Bank honors the contour maps
created by Dr. Louis Talman of
Metropolitan State College, Denver.

"I'm teaching Calc 3 this term.  My students are struggling (as they always do) with visualizing things like this.  I'm showing this in class today!"

A member of the National Advisory Board of the NCB.

From one of Descartes' hallmark problems
investigating roots and signs of polynomials.

Be sure to note the equals sign used by the printer was that of the horoscope's Gemini.

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Deposit #64

Vector Fields

In his work, Dr. Dray recognizes
the stellar contributions of
Hamilton, Maxwell and Gibbs.
He thus represents mathematics

Ireland, Scotland and the United States.

The National Advisory Board of the NCB.

The National Curve Bank honors the interactive vector fields
created by Dr.Tevian Dray of
Oregon State University

From one of Descartes' hallmark problems
uniting algebra with geometry.

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Deposit #58
The Brachistochrone

"For the Shrewdest Mathematicians
of All the World"
Johann (Jean or John) Bernoulli
June, 1696

The National Curve Bank honors the animations
developed by Gustavo Gordillo of
Verdugo Hills High School
Los Angeles Unified School District

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Deposit #37
Area of a Surface of Revolution

We also honor a companion page
developed by Dr. Talman.

Deposit #36
Volume of a Solid of Revolution

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The Cycloid Family of Curves

Cycloid, Trochoid, Epicycloid, Hypocycloid, Epitrochoid and Hypotrochoid

NCB Deposit #30

Dr. Paul Chabot

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Sphericons . . . . . .a New Solid Shape.

Two Cones with a Twist.

Deposit #14

Steve Mathias

Note the birthday expressed in Latin
as the last day of March, 1596.